So, What does PPO really mean?

March 4, 2013

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 8:57 pm

Every day we have patients wondering about their PPO dental insurance plan. Patients asking if we are an “In Network Provider” and what this means to them. At Elmbrook Family Dental, we are In Network Providers with many PPO insurance plans. This means that every year Dr Neuschaefer works hard at completing and negotiating contracts with insurance companies. These contracts state we are to provide a patient with a reduced price for their dental services. Still confused? Don’t worry, it’s not just you! Here is a general example: If we charge $100 for a dental service, but our participating provider contract states the fee is $80, your fee is then $80. The office writes off the additional $20 that is not contracted with your plan.

Keep in mind that every insurance company has a different level of contracted fees. So Delta Dental patients do not receive the same benefit level as Metlife patients. Your employer is the one who chooses the benefits available to you, and this is how your benefit level is determined. Our front desk team is trained to help you as the patient utilize your benefits to the fullest. A benefit over view and estimates of future work are done as a courtesy to our patients. We are here to help you to the best of our ability, so do not hesitate to ask!