It’s the school year. Don’t let your kids miss out!

September 13, 2013

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 1:51 pm

According to the Wisconsin Dental Association, an estimated 51 million school hours are missed every year in the US due to dental related illness and disease. These reasons include cavities, toothaches and dental infections. Don’t let your child be a part of this statistic and miss out on important learning time. Take a few simple steps to avoid dental disease by following these simple guidelines.

Always remember that preventative care and early detection is key! Stay on a strict 6 month recall which includes cleaning, exams, fluoride treatment and necessary x-rays. By doing this, we can detect cavities while they are small and repair them before they become painful.

Be aware of the liquid your child consumes. Sipping juice, milk, sport drinks and soda for periods of time between meals increases their chance of getting cavities. Limit these beverages to meal times only or as a special treat. If your toddler is carrying a “sippy cup” with them over an expanded period of time, and taking sips while they play, their mouth is in a state of acidity and high risk that entire time.

Fluoride is your friend! Including fluoridated toothpaste and mouth wash into the oral hygiene routine can be an easy way to keep decay away topically. Enjoying fluoride in a glass or two of water each day can help systemically and help teeth forming under the gum-line grow with strong, healthy enamel. Most local communities have a fluoridated water supply which is monitored and regulated. Not so sure about fluoride? Talk with our dental staff at your next visit for alternative options like xylitol.

It can set your child behind the others when they miss school and it is even more difficult to see them in pain. Keep them healthy and in school and keep their dental visits fun and easy by following these easy guidelines.