Who should go to the dentist? People with a toothache? People who have broken teeth? People who have dirty teeth and need a cleaning? Well, the answer is everyone should go to the dentist! If you have teeth, come to the dentist. If you don’t have teeth, you should still come to the dentist. That’s right. Your Grandpa Ned and Great Aunt Mildred should still see us even if they have full dentures. This is so we can clean the dentures professionally and be sure they’re fitting correctly or make needed adjustments. But most importantly, it is so we can do a detailed exam of their gums, roof of their mouth, tongue and cheeks to be sure there are no signs of abnormal lesions or cancer. For someone with full dentures, once a year check ups are generally sufficient unless otherwise advised. If you have a full set of healthy pearly white teeth, twice a year visits are recommended. There are some patients who have more detailed needs who we may ask to spend a little more time with us. Always remember that routine dental work is the cheapest and easiest dental work you can get. Plus, if it’s been too long, we just start to miss you!