Post-Dental Crown Placement: What Should I Expect?

August 3, 2022

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 9:19 am
woman after receiving dental crown

Your dentist informs you that you need a dental crown. Because of the damage to your tooth, it cannot function properly without some form of stability. After learning this bit of information, you may begin to wonder what life will be like with an artificial tooth. Will it hurt immediately following placement? How difficult will it be to eat, speak, or smile? A local dentist wants to help ease your mind by explaining what you can expect after receiving a dental crown and what you can do to manage any discomfort while working toward a healthier smile.

Life After Crown Placement

Before receiving your finalized restoration, you will be required to wear a temporary crown. Because of the tooth preparation required, it’s likely you can expect some sensitivity and tenderness in the first few days. This can be remedied with the help of saltwater rinses and over-the-counter pain relievers (i.e., Tylenol or Advil).

But even before you begin to feel any discomfort, you’ll likely still be numb from the anesthetic received during your procedure. Until it subsides, it is best if you do not eat or bite down on anything, as you might accidentally burn or hurt yourself and not even know it.

Once the finalized dental crown replaces the temporary one and is bonded into place, minimal tooth sensitivity is normal as well as tenderness surrounding your soft oral tissues. It might take some time to get used to the new feeling of your crown, but it shouldn’t interfere to the point that it causes prolonged pain or awkwardness when eating. If it does, you’ll need to make sure you contact your dentist right away.

How to Take Care of a New Crown

Although dental crowns are artificial and cannot decay, it is still essential that you commit to taking proper care of your teeth and gums. Practicing optimal oral hygiene at home is crucial if you want to avoid developing dental decay beneath the crown or gum disease.

To ensure that you don’t require crown removal for periodontal therapy or additional restorative care, make sure that you:

  • Brush twice each day for two minutes as well as floss at least once a day and rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash
  • Avoid smoking and using tobacco products
  • Avoid or limit your consumption of hard, crunchy, and sticky foods, as they can damage your crown or cause it to come off
  • While wearing a temporary crown, do not attempt to pull up when flossing, as this can cause the temporary crown to pop off
  • Keep your regularly scheduled six-month dental checkups and cleanings so that your dentist can check your restoration

Life with dental crowns doesn’t have to be difficult. While some discomfort might exist initially, it will subside rather quickly, allowing you to enjoy a fully functional smile going forward.

About the Practice
Elmbrook Family Dental understands damaged and decayed teeth need reliable solutions to avoid extractions. Fortunately, by providing dental crowns, we can better protect vulnerable teeth, allowing them to grow stronger. If you are needing a dental crown but don’t know what to expect, visit our website to learn more about the process and how to prepare.