Elmbrook Family Dental is hosting a March Madness college basketball tournament for our current patients!
To sign up, click here (if you don’t already have a Yahoo! account you will have to register for one) and sign up under group ID# 8843. Our password is ‘elmbrookfamilydental’. Sign in, and create your own bracket using your actual name as your team name (so we know who you are!) and pick who you think will win. Elmbrook Family Dental will be giving prizes for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place winners.
1st: Free at home teeth whitening
2nd: Sonicare electric toothbrush
3rd: Waterpik
4th: $15 restaurant gift card
You must sign up and pick your teams by the tip off of the first game on March 18th in order to play. If you have any questions about signing up or how to play, please visit these websites:
Website #1
Website #2
You will not be able to pick your teams until the tournament field is announced on Sunday, March 14.
The contest through Yahoo! is open to anyone, however in order to be eligible for a prize from Elmbrook Family Dental you must be a current patient.
ELMBROOK FAMILY DENTAL is proud to announce the addition of Dr. Kristina Connor to our team of dentists. Dr. Kristina will begin working at our office on Wednesday April 7th. We look forward to having her as a part of our practice!
Dr. Kristina Connor was born and raised in Florida. After receiving a biology degree from the University of South Florida, she went on to pursue her passion for Dentistry at Marquette and graduated in 2003. She married her husband Kevin, who is an oral surgeon, in 2005 and together they have two children, Christian and Colin. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family, attending Marquette University basketball games, playing tennis and golf and getting involved with her community through local volunteer groups. For the past 5 years she has been practicing dentistry in Shreveport, Louisiana. Dr. Connor is excited to return back to the Brookfield area and to her family after practicing out of state for a few years. She regularly takes continuing education courses to keep up with the latest research, education, and technology of modern dentistry in order to serve her patients better. She takes personal pride in practicing the highest quality dentistry in the most comfortable and gentle way individualized to each patient. Dr. Connor cares for patients of all ages and looks forward to helping you and your family achieve and maintain excellent oral health.
March 4, 2010
Hate having that “fat” lip feeling after your appointments with the Dentist? We’ve got a new way to go through pain free dentistry and not have a numb face! Our office just purchased a new system to administer anesthetic during dental visits. This system is called “The Wand”. The Wand numbs only very specific areas in your mouth where the Dentist is working that day. Instead of having the whole side of your face or lip numb, you will only be numb on the tooth they are working on that day. How great is that! The way it works is that an injection is given only in that specific area, numbing the teeth and tissues immediately surrounding that site. The injection is virtually pain free and the rest of your visit with us will be comfortable. You won’t even leave with a droopy lip or crooked smile! Talk with your doctor at your next visit to see if this might be right for you.
February 4, 2010
You may have heard many different things surrounding topic of fluoride. The truth is that the benefits of fluoride do not discriminate in age, gender, or ethnic background. It can be beneficial to all people if comsumed in moderate amounts. Fluoride is a common mineral in many of the foods you eat and drink daily, as well as in tap water of many local communities. Many families have started using bottled water as an alternative to their own tap water. Most bottled water is not a significant source of fluoride. Review the nutrition labels before purchasing your next case of water, or consider using tap water with a filtration system like Britta or Pur. These brands of filters will take out bad tastes and sediments, but leave the fluoride in. What are the benefits? When fluoride is ingested through food and water, it becomes systemic and is then secreted through your salivary glands. This means that as it comes out through your saliva, it is in direct contact with your teeth and will help fight against cavities and strengthen enamel! Its amazing how your body works! So, before you grab that next bottle of water, consider that you may be sacrificing something that will promote a healthier mouth. The links below will give you more information regarding fluoride and how to learn more about the water in your own communities. As always, your friendly staff at Elmbrook Family Dental is always here to answer any questions you may have. Call us any time or discuss your thoughts during your next dental visit.
January 12, 2010
Did you know that oral cancer is the cause of 7,000 deaths each year within the United States? World wide, it is responsible for 127,000 deaths total. One of the main reasons for this is that it is often not detected till it is in its late stages. Once it metastasizes, the survival rate is only 17%. Research shows that early detection is key to increasing a persons chances at surviving oral cancer. Who better to detect oral cancer at its earliest stages than your skilled team here at Elmbrook Family Dental? Coming in on a routine basis is not only helpful in keeping your teeth clean, but also in monitoring and detecting lesions. Oral cancer often presents as a tiny, unnoticed white or red spot or sore inside the mouth. Oral cancer can occur at any age to anyone. Those at higher risk are those over the age of 40, those who combine alcohol consumption with smoking, and those who have had prolonged exposure to the sun. Sun exposure can cause cancerous lesions on the lips. Oral cancer screenings are a routine part of your check ups with us. Your hygienist does a careful and detailed examination of your lips, cheeks and tongue. If there are any areas of concern, the dentist will examine the area to determine if there is a need for further diagnoses by a specialist. So, before you put your next visit with us off, think of what may be at risk. Put your health first and let us be the ones to help you.
December 7, 2009
Our Hunger Task Force food drive that we hosted for the month of November was a huge success! We had so many donations that we had to bring in a second box. Employees from the entire building – some not even patients here – brought in food to donate. We had one patient who came in every day to donate!
We were very happy to help feed the hungry families of Wisconsin this cold winter. Thank you so much for your donations and your support!
Congratulations to Brandon B. and Nancy S., both were our food drive whitening winners! Brandon won the whitening specifically to give to his wife, how sweet!
November 30, 2009
Tis the season for gift giving and we’ve got some great ideas for you! Who says you can’t give the gift of a great oral hygiene? Here at the office, we sell some wonderful products at the best prices around. We price shopped the closest department stores to be sure our prices are the lowest on things like Sonicare toothbrushes and Waterpiks. Waterpik is a great product for people with braces or bridges in their mouth. It can even help those who have a hard time committing to flossing. (we still recommend flossing over anything else!) Sonicare toothbrushes are rechargeable electric toothbrushes, great for anyone. We carry the Sonicare Flex and Sonicare Healthy here at the office. You can visit their web site to view these models. Aside from these 2 great products, our patients in the past have surprised their loved ones by pre-paying for custom whitening trays! We’ll take $100 off when you purchase these. An appointment is necessary to begin making the trays by taking impressions, so call to schedule today! We wish you all a safe and wonderful holiday season.
Sonicare web site: http://sonicare.com/default.asp
Waterpik web site: http://sonicare.com/default.asp
*note: its a good idea to call ahead to be sure the product of your choice is in stock before stopping in
November 17, 2009

During this time of year as the weather begins to get colder and the holidays fastly approach, it is important to step back and examine the needs of others. As you may know, we have been collecting food donations for the hunger task force here in our office. Our donation bucket is 3/4 quarters full! We are so thankful to all of you who have taken the time to stop in and donate!
Aside from feeding the hungry, another cause in need of attemtopm is HIV and AIDS awareness. In our neighboring state of Minnesota, as well as sometimes New York and California, Camp Heartland is a safe and understanding place for young people to find support. Many of the children who attend these camps are surviving with the HIV and AIDS virus. Others who attend have family members infected with this disease and come to the camp for education and support from camp counselors and peers. Children are flown to these locations from their home towns to spend part of their summer. The travel and camp is paid for by donations alone. Between 8am today (11-17-09) and 8am tomorrow (11-18-09) a company has pledged to match anyone’s donation, dollar for dollar to help the children in need. You can visit their web site at: www.givemn.org and donate to One Heartland. They accept donations year round.
Little by little, we can all make a big difference!
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