Elmbrook Family Dental & the Hunger Task Force

November 3, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 8:43 am

stuffing1We are very excited to announce that for the month of November we will be accepting donations for the Hunger Task Force in our office! In appreciation of your generous donation we will be giving you an entry to win free teeth whitening! Our regular monthly drawing for the month of November will be not be available… the only way to earn an entry this month is to donate! So please stop in with your non-perishables to donate and get your teeth whitening entry form filled out!

There is a limit of one entry form per person per day, although you can donate as much as you’d like each day. If you want to increase your chances of winning, stop by every day in the month of November to donate!

Cavity Causing Bacteria in Babies

October 30, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 2:33 pm

Learning to brushWhoa baby! We’ve had many patients and even one of our own team members’ welcome new babies into the world just within the last few months. Along with all the other many things to learn about at this exciting time in their lives, we cannot forget about protecting those infants against cavities! You may be thinking: “Cavities?! My baby doesn’t even have teeth yet!” Though their teeth may not begin to erupt until they are near 6 months of age, it is not too early to start their preventative care. Before an infant is even born, they are already acquiring flora or ‘normal’ bacteria from their mothers. After birth, they are introduced to even more bacteria through contact with their mothers and other family members. The cavity causing bacteria named S. mutans is passed from person to baby through fingers, airborne saliva droplets and even kissing those cute baby faces! That’s right; the flora in your own mouth can be passed along to your new borns. Once the bacteria are introduced, there is no removing it entirely. Your job as parents will simply be to limit the amount of exposure your baby receives, and minimize the bacteria daily by keeping up on your infants oral hygiene. Before teeth erupt, a wet wash cloth can be used inside of their mouth by gently sweeping along their gums and cheeks. Once the teeth are in, a soft infant tooth brush can be used either with water, or non-fluoridated toothpaste. By reducing the amount of S. mutans bacteria in your baby’s mouth, you can lower their chances at having cavities early in their childhood. Next time you’re in to visit one of our hygienists, ask them for recommendations on the best hygiene aids for your child!

The Toothbrush!

October 20, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 5:32 pm

tbrushDid you know that the first toothbrushes were used as long ago as 3000BC? They were made with wild boar hair which served as a stiff bristles to help clean biofilm off of teeth. Throughout history many other things have been used as well. Everything from horse hair toothbrushes to the Miswaak stick which naturally contains calcium and fluoride. Today we have evolved to the nylon bristled brush that comes in many shapes and forms. A good toothbrush will be based on each patient’s individual needs. Take a walk down the toothbrush isle and see how many options there are! The style of brush is not as significant as the type of bristle. Soft or extra soft bristles play an important role in maintaining your optimum tooth and gum health. You may be tempted to try medium or hard bristles, but these can cause recession and abrasion. Soft is still a better way to go! Next time you’re out shopping for your next toothbrush, take a look at all the options out there. You may just find you’ll like something new. Remember the most important thing is that you are brushing twice daily for 2 or more minutes at a time. The best times to visit your dentist are during preventative and routine care visits! Good oral hygiene can help keep your visits to us at a minimum.  


October 16, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 2:10 pm

Did you know that our office offers Nitrous Oxide? Sometimes referred to as “laughing gas”. Perhaps for those of you who have not had the best dental experiences in the past, this can be a great option to help relax you during dental procedures. Aside from our already friendly staff, the TV’s in each room, neck pillows, massage chairs and sometimes even a malt or shake after more difficult procedures, some patients still need a little extra help to relax.

N2O2 was first used in dentistry in 1844. Today its uses have been expanded to many other things like whipped cream, auto racing and even scuba diving. The way it works here at the office is simple. Once you arrive to the office, we’ll recline you back to a comfortable position and place the nose shield on. Once you’ve taken a few deep breaths in, you’ll begin to feel much lighter and relaxed, making your whole appointment much more enjoyable. Before we release you, we turn the oxygen which will make you feel normal and alert. You will be fully capable of driving once you leave the office.

If you think you may be interested in using this for any of your next appointments, call our front desk staff to discuss this option. We are happy to do anything to make your next procedure as enjoyable as possible!


Policy Update

September 29, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 3:45 pm

Some of you may have received an e-mail from us today in regards to our new cancellation policy. For those of you who didn’t, this blog entry outlines all of the new information. Please review the information and feel free to call our office with any questions you may have.


Out of respect to all of our patients and health care providers, our office has now established a 24 business hour cancellation policy. This courtesy on your part allows us to give the time we reserved for you to another patient who may have been waiting for an appointment. Missed or broken appointments without adequate notice will be charged to the patient’s account. We understand that situations may arise that would make it difficult for you to give us 24-hour notice, therefore each occurrence will be given careful consideration. The missed or broken appoint fee is $50.00.


Please be advised that our email and website and text messaging services do not accept appointment changes or cancellations. Appointment changes or cancellations can only be made with a scheduling coordinator during our regular business hours.


We appreciate your cooperation,


Elmbrook Family Dental, S.C.

Money Savers!

September 21, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 1:35 pm

111Who doesn’t want to save money these days? Besides minimizing the things we spend our money on, SAVING money on the things that are a necessity is important as well. Most web sites for all major product companies post coupons online. You can save money on everything from air fresheners to toothpaste! So, we’ve taken some time to find some deals on our favorite oral hygiene products. Simple follow the links below to print coupons on toothpaste, floss, mouth wash and  even breath fresheners! None of us should have to compromise our oral health because money is tight. We hope these coupons can help.

Colgate Total

Reach Floss

Dentist Whitening vs. Whitening Spas

July 31, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 10:55 am

teeth_whitening1One of the most common questions we hear in our office about whitening is, “What’s the difference between those whitening spas or the mall kiosks and the whitening products used at your office?” There is a lot of information available on this topic by searching the web but to be able to give you the best information available, I went straight to the American Dental Association’s website.

For one thing, a lot of whitening spas and kiosks don’t have a licensed dentist on site. Mall kiosks and beauty salons that offer whitening but do not have a licensed dentist on staff are under strict regulations not to touch the patient. They hand the trays containing the whitening gel to the patient, who inserts the trays themselves, and then move the light over the patient’s mouth all while carefully avoiding any contact. The ADA issues this advice for people looking into teeth whitening:

“The ADA advises patients to consult with their dentists to determine the most appropriate treatment. This is especially important for patients with many fillings, crowns, and extremely dark stains. A thorough oral examination, performed by a licensed dentist, is essential to determine if bleaching is an appropriate course of treatment. The dentist then supervises the use of bleaching agents within the context of a comprehensive, appropriately sequenced treatment plan.”

Also, the quality of the ingredients in the whitening products that are used are of utmost importance. The products that dentists dispense and use for teeth whitening bear the ADA seal of acceptance. Oftentimes, this cannot be said about spas and kiosks that offer whitening.

We also contacted BriteSmile Professional Whitening to ask them what the difference is between the spas and having professional teeth whitening at a dental office. The representative I spoke to told me that although they share the same name, they are not associated with the whitening spas, and offered this statement: “Only a licensed dentist can get your teeth their whitest and can know how you will react to the procedure. At an associated center office you are under the care and supervision of a dentist for the duration of the procedure, ensuring you the best care possible. If Britesmile won’t work for you, or if there are other underlying conditions that are discovered during your oral exam, a dentist can offer alternative procedures and services so that you can be sure you will get the best results.”

Another thing worth mentioning is the quality of care during the procedure. The mall kiosks and dental spas offer a very speedy service. While Brite Smile Professional does advertise their product as a 1-hour procedure, oftentimes the extra care and examination at our office can make the procedure last longer. When we do in-office whitening, we take the utmost care to ensure you get the best results possible. What this means is, when you come in for your whitening procedure we will not shuffle you in and out the door, we will spend the time necessary to give you the best whitening results.

And finally, we’d like to point out the obvious, yet often overlooked, importance of proper sterilization techniques. Only a licensed dentist with an OSHA regulated practice can ensure that proper safety and sterilization techniques are enforced in the materials and barrier methods used during your procedure.

Before you choose a whitening procedure, please think about what is in your best interest: trusting your teeth to a person in a white coat in the mall applying a no-name brand of whitening gel or having it done by a licensed and experienced dentist?

Baby teeth and Stem Cells

July 23, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 3:59 pm


New findings in stem cell research have now entered the world of dentistry! You may have seen the commercials on T.V. for storing cord blood in order to use their stem cells later in life. Stem cells are the hope of the future to cure many diseases like diabetes and M.S. People have begun to store their childrens baby teeth at tooth banks in hopes of using the stem cells they contain. Each tooth may contain between 10 and 20 stem cells each. The price of storing baby teeth is about half the price of storing cord blood. An initial deposit of about $500 dollars is made along with an annual fee each year the teeth are stored. Science is a long way from being able to use the stem cells from baby teeth, but extensive research brings us closer and closer to finding significant treatments and cures. So, next time your child puts their tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairly, considering saving for the future!

Check out the video below for more interesting information regarding stem cells and baby teeth!


Fire Drill and Ice Cream Treat!

July 17, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 10:35 am

fireengineThere is a fire drill held annually in our office building. This year, it is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 21st at 2:00pm. Please don’t be alarmed if you are scheduled to see us that day! We’re just practicing! The alarm will be audible and the buildings elevators will be shut down. This has been scheduled to help all of the tenants, their clients and patients to prepare in case a real fire emergency were to occur. Now here’s the best part: They will be serving ice cream to those who participate! If you are scheduled to see us that day and have any questions, feel free to call our office!

Milwaukee Drinking Water

July 10, 2009

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 8:46 am

water2For those of you who reside in Milwaukee, you are lucky enough to have one of the great lakes bordering the county. The high quality of their water system should not be taken for granted. You are probably aware of the benefits that fluoridated drinking water has on your teeth. When ingested in low levels, fluoride has been proven to help prevent tooth decay. The following web site has lots of great information regarding the water system in Milwaukee. Check it out!


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