We’ve had quite a few changes in the past week. Many of our patients may have received an email and/or a text message from us regarding setting up electronic appointment notification. The company we signed up through is called Demandforce. It’s really a great system, because instead of receiving a phone call from us confirming your appointment, you can automatically have a text or email reminder sent 2 days prior. And to make it even more simple, all you have to do to confirm your appointment is click a button! Appointment requests can even be made right through email. You can check out our Demandforce website Here.

We also now have a Facebook profile. Yes, we have entered the digital world completely! You can either Click Here if you are already logged in, or search for “Elmbrook Family Dental” in Facebook and become a fan.
Come join us, have some fun, take a peek at our pictures, and maybe even post a review too! Stay tuned, because we may have something up our sleeve for a fun referral contest that will be posted on our Facebook page!
March 3, 2009

We are now Wi-Fi enhanced! Wireless Internet capabilities has been added for your convenience. While waiting for your appointment or family member its easy to get connected. Ask one of us at the front desk for the password and you are ready to go!
February 11, 2009

Our staff and spouses spent a wonderful evening celebrating Christmas in January at Dr. Neuschaefer’s home. His entire family worked incredibly hard preparing a feast for everyone. The chocolate fountain and egg rolls were a hit! It was hard to resist all the incredible desserts. Can you tell we love to eat?
Dr. Brunner surprised us all with his talent playing the drums on the video game Rock Band. Despite his talent, we suggested he keep his day job. Dr. Neuschaefer performed for us before he debutes on American Idol.
February 6, 2009

In September 2008, the doctors treated the entire staff to a fun-filled day at Miller Park. The Brewers played against the Pittsburg Pirates. Our day was filled with tailgating, laughing, and rooting the Brewers on to a winning game!
Thank you again, Dr. Neuschaefer, Dr. Brunner, and Dr. Schwartz for treating us all to the game!
February 4, 2009
Visit our office today and enter our drawing for free whitening! We draw a winner every other week. Anyone is welcome to enter the contest, whether you are a new or established patient, so stop in today!
January 26, 2009
Welcome to our news blog! Please make yourself comfortable browsing our website. This particular area of our site is currently being developed. We’ll be using this to post news updates about the office, whitening winners, and other great things! Stop by often.
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