Elmbrook Family Dental Blog

Welcome Baby Beckham

April 21, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 10:00 am



Dr Taibl and his wife welcomed their second child into the world in mid March. Beckham William was born weighing 8lbs 2oz and was 20.5 inches long. He is a relaxed baby with a great appetite! Congratulations Dr Taibl. He is such a beautiful baby!

How To Care For Teeth As You Age – Tips From Your Pewaukee Dentist

April 20, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 12:23 pm

As you get older, everything changes – including your smile. Learn how to take care of your teeth throughout the aging process with these tips from your Pewaukee dentist. Throughout the years, you’ve certainly had a lot to smile about – from getting married, to watching your children grow into successful adults with kids of their own, to retiring, you’ve always had a reason to beam. And as you get older, you want to make sure you maintain your healthy smile. But how does the aging process affect your teeth? The team at Elmbrook Family Dental understand your question and are here to help. Follow these tips from your premier Pewaukee dentist for a golden smile in your golden years.


Brookfield Dentist Voted Best of Greater Milwaukee 2016

April 11, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 12:23 pm

Brookfield dentist has been voted one of the best dental practices in Greater Milwaukee.One of the main goals of any dental practice is to distinguish themselves. When they do it correctly, their special service is often recognized, which is why Elmbrook Family Dental was recently voted the Best Dental Office of Greater Milwaukee 2016 by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. What made your Brookfield dentist stand out from the rest? (more…)

NCAA tournament contest winners

April 8, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 2:46 pm

Thank you so much to all of our wonderful patients who participated in our 8th annual March Madness contest. We always have such a fun time with the NCAA tournaments. Below are the top 4 winners and the prizes they received:

1st: Yunge M.                          $150 Bartolotta gift card

2nd: Chuck S.                         Custom whitening trays

3rd: Jenny O.                          4 movie tickets and snack passes

4th: Joy B.                               $25 Blackfin gift card


March 27, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 9:37 am

Over the last few years, electronic cigarettes have really become a trend. Many use it as an alternative to smoking regular tobacco cigarettes with the thought that they are not as damaging to your lungs and body. Others use the E-cigs as a transition to cut down on nicotine while they quit smoking regular cigarettes. The truth is, research is just starting to uncover the negative effects that the E-cigs may have to our health. History shows us that it can take decades to study the long term affects of products like this. In the early stages of research, they are uncovering proof that shows cellular change and cellular death at a rate of up to 53% in oral tissue. Studies are also showing that smoking these can be detrimental to your lung health causing an irreversible lung disease commonly known as “popcorn lung”. Think that smoking an E-cigarette doesn’t release second hand vapors? Think again. They do emit second hand toxins which include formaldehyde and other carcinogens.

Only time and further studies will reveal the potential fate of someone who smokes E-cigarettes. We care about your oral health and your overall health. The only safe option is to eliminate cigarettes, E-cigarettes and all other forms of smoke or smokeless tobacco from your life. Did you know that your staff at Elmbrook Family Dental is trained to help you quit? That’s right! Next time you see us, just ask. We are happy to help provide you with the first steps toward quitting and get you further resources as well.

Want to learn more about “popcorn lungs” or lung scarring and it’s long term effects? Visit here: http://www.dentalproductsreport.com/dental/article/e-cigarettes-shown-be-detrimental-oral-health-new-study?kara-rdh

For our other resources, please follow these links.



8th Annual March Madness Comptetion

March 11, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 5:25 pm

Elmbrook Family Dental is hosting our 8th Annual March Madness college basketball tournament for current patients! (Patients having 1 cleaning within the last 12 months)

In years past, our NCAA tournament contest was a hit and this year we’re making it even better by awarding prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place!

1st place: $150 Bartolotta Gift Card

          2nd place: Custom Whitening Trays

          3rd place: 4 Movie Tickets and Snack Passes

          4th place: $25 Blackfinn Gift Card


To sign up, go to http://games.espn.go.com/tcmen/en/frontpage and create an account. Once you have logged in, click “My Groups” link toward the top of the page. Type Elmbrook Family Dental in the search box. Our group password is TEETH. Create your own bracket, and please use your actual name as your team name (so we know who you are!) and pick who you think will win. For more information, click the “How to Play” link.


You must sign-up and pick your teams by the tip-off of the first game on March 16th in order to play.  You will not be able to pick your teams until the tournament field is announced on March 12th.


The contest through ESPN is open to anyone, however in order to be eligible for a prize from Elmbrook Family Dental you must be a current patient, meaning 1 cleaning within the last 12 months.

Nearby Dentist in Pewaukee Offers Exceptional Dental Care

March 5, 2017

Filed under: News — Elmbrook Family Dental @ 5:33 pm

How can your nearby dentist in Pewaukee help improve your oral health?When you’re looking for a dentist there are a few things that you must consider.  Is my dentist convenient? Does my dentist care about my comfort and wellbeing? And most importantly, does my dentist take my insurance? Finding a great dentist in the greater Milwaukee area is now easier than ever. It’s a no-brainer! Elmbrook Family Dental has a dentist in Pewaukee that is ready to treat you with award-winning dental services that are worth the drive. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel named our dental office the Best Dental Office in the Greater Milwaukee Area for 2016, and we’re ready to show how our convenient office cares about you and makes our services affordable for every patient.


When Should My Child See The Dentist In Pewaukee?

February 16, 2017

Filed under: News — Elmbrook Family Dental @ 1:18 pm

Dentist in Pewaukee performs gentle exams.Your child’s baby teeth are important to speech, nutrition and facial structure. They ensure the proper alignment of those permanent teeth. Your dentist in Pewaukee at Elmbrook Family Dental asks parents to bring children in for their first get-acquainted visits when that first tooth erupts and by age three for regular preventive care. Learn what happens at a child’s first dental visit and what services are available for little smiles.



Why a toothache may be a bigger deal than you think!

February 13, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 3:41 pm

We all know that a toothache can be painful, but did you know it can lead to severe infection in other places of your body? In severe cases it can even lead to death. When a tooth becomes infected or you get an abscess, it is important to seek help from a dental professional immediately. Your dentist can often resolve this infection with a root canal and an oral antibiotic. In some cases, an extraction may also be needed to resolve the infection. It is extremely important to know that an oral antibiotic alone will NOT resolve a dental infection. It will temporarily decrease the amount of infection, pressure and pain, but there will always still be some infection remaining until a root canal or extraction is performed. This is why seeing a general doctor or emergency room doctor can lead to misunderstanding and incomplete treatment of dental infection. In severe cases, infection will come back after a course of oral antibiotic and spread to other parts of the body. This can cause hospitalization and even death. Follow the link listed below to read a story about a young father who sadly lost his life when his dental infection spread to his lungs. Our heart goes out to this family. Our goal is to never read another story like this again.

Our team of dentists is always here for you. If you have pain, don’t hesitate to call us. Not sure if it is a true “emergency” or if it can wait? Call us. We can help you figure it out. If you have any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign that an infection is present. Call immediately if you are experiencing the following :

-Sensitivity to hot temperature.

-Pain that wakes you up at night.

-Pain that is lingering for 30-60 seconds or longer after experiencing temperature sensitivity.

-A bump in your mouth, near your tooth root that appears like a pimple.

-Puss or discharge coming from your gums.

Life is precious, so don’t take any chances. We are happy to diagnose your tooth pain for you. Here is the link to the article mentioned above: http://fox6now.com/2017/01/31/california-father-dies-after-tooth-infection-spreads-to-lungs/

February is Children’s Dental Health Month

February 3, 2017

Filed under: News — elmbrookfamilydental @ 2:58 pm

During the month of February, we promote Children’s Dental Health Month. During this month, schools and medical and dental providers in the community spend a little extra time focusing on what is best for the dental health of the children. We will post different ways to make brushing fun for your little ones. Be sure to follow us on facebook to get the best and most current information!

Check out this link for some cool and printable fun for your kids. It even includes a page on which you can draw a picture of your favorite Elmbrook Family Dental Professional! We would love to see what your child creates!  https://cdn.dentalcare.pgsitecore.com/-/media/dentalcareus/patient%20education/pdf/dhm2016-kids-activity-book.pdf?la=en-us&v=1-201608021132

Find us on facebook at this link: https://www.facebook.com/elmbrookfamilydental/

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