Another sweet baby has arrived! Our hygienist Amanda W and her husband welcomed their first baby girl into their family. Adelyn Rose was 7 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long. She is a sweet, beautiful baby and we are excited to share this beautiful picture with you! Congrats Amanda. What a cutie pie!
Elmbrook Family Dental Blog
Welcome baby Adelyn!
August 15, 2018
How Can My Dentist in Brookfield Help Me Stop Drooling?
July 28, 2018
How often do you wake with a wet spot on your pillow? Drooling from time-to-time is normal for everyone, especially if you are sick; however, for others, it can occur more frequently. If you find yourself drooling often, there could be an underlying issue that is causing the problem. There is no need to feel embarrassed. Your dentist in Brookfield can help get to the root of the problem to give you the relief you need.
Lost Filling? Visit an Emergency Dentist in Brookfield for Help!
July 7, 2018
Did you bite down on a piece of food only to feel your dental filling fall out? Maybe you were playing sports but left your mouthguard at home, only to be struck and have your filling knocked out? Regardless of the circumstances, a loose or lost filling is not something that should be put off.
The moment your filling comes out, you should schedule a visit with an emergency dentist in Brookfield. Here’s why!
Milwaukee Mission of Mercy
June 25, 2018
Last week Friday and Saturday the Wisconsin Dental Association and WDA Foundation’s “Mission of Mercy” were able to treat as many as 2, 000 people and they were able to receive free dental care in West Allis. Dr. Tack and our consultant Nan were amongst more than 1, 300 volunteer dentists, dental hygienists, assistants, dental students, and community helpers from nearly 200 communities! Thank you Dr. Tack and Nan for providing your time to help many people smile again!
The Drooling Must Stop! Your Dentist in Brookfield Explains How
June 17, 2018
For many people, drooling when they sleep is an embarrassing, regularly occurring event. Still, it’s often dismissed as just a fact of life – something to keep hidden. Your dentist in Brookfield says that you don’t have to continue dealing with this issue, though. As you read on, you’ll discover seven ways to stop nighttime drooling and prevent any related problems.
Why Do I Drool When I Sleep? Your Dentist in Brookfield Explains
May 25, 2018
Is it common for you to wake up in the morning with a wet spot on your pillow from drooling while you sleep? This can be quite embarrassing, but you’re not left to just deal with this problem. Your dentist in Brookfield gives some reasons for why this may be happening and solutions for how to prevent and correct the situation. Read on to learn more!
Connie’s Retirement Party
May 15, 2018
May 4th, 2018, Connie officially began her second act in life by retiring from Elmbrook Family Dental and the front desk! The entire office celebrated Connie with a bowling fiesta. We all wish Connie happiness and health as she beings this new chapter. The front desk won’t be the same without her!
Help Us Bring Awareness to Oral Cancer Screenings
April 30, 2018
This month is designated oral cancer awareness month. During the month of April, we encourage patients to receive oral cancer screenings and let others know about the necessity for these quick, comfortable examinations. Most dentists are happy to offer oral cancer screening as part of biannual preventive dentistry exams. When you receive regular screenings for oral cancer, you significantly reduce your risk for death from this disease by increasing your chances for early diagnosis. This April, visit your local, Brookfield dentist and team for oral cancer screenings.
Your Dentist in Brookfield Says Proper Oral Care Can Prevent Cancer
April 16, 2018
In April – National Oral Cancer Awareness Month, dentists around the country are making it a priority to stress the importance of preventive dental care to reverse the growing number of people succumbing to oral cancer. Your dentist in Brookfield joins his peers in the quest to fight this disease, but he’d like to go further. As you continue reading, he’ll explain how the health of your mouth, teeth and gums plays a key role in preventing the development of another form of cancer as well.
NCAA Tournament Contest Winners
April 12, 2018
Thank you so much to all of our wonderful patients who participated in our 9th annual March Madness contest. We always have such a fun time with the NCAA tournament. Below are the top 4 winners and the prizes they received:
1st Place: Kathleen K. $150 Bartolotta gift card
2nd Place: Emily A. Custom whitening trays
3rd Place: Kristin L. $25 Starbucks gift card and Sonicare toothbrush
4th Place: Mandy P. $25 Starbucks gift card