Brookfield, WI dentists: for no stains, avoid these foods

April 18, 2016

Filed under: Food — Tags: , , — elmbrookfamilydental @ 10:50 am

Your Brookfield, WI dentists at Elmbrook Family Dental say food and drinks stain teeth. What popular foods should you avoid for white teeth this spring?A new season, a new smile

Springtime–it’s a time of renewal, flowers and bright sunshine. Would you like your smile to look its very best? The National Academy of Sciences says research indicates a beautiful smile helps that all-important first impression. A vibrant smile conveys attractiveness and even approachability when it comes to interpersonal relationships.

What would you like your smile to say? Your Brookfield, WI dentists at Elmbrook Family Dental assist patients of all ages have whiter smiles, fully informing them on the causes of discoloration, how to avoid them and how to treat stains. (more…)

Your Brookfield, WI, Dentist has Tips for Better Brushing

March 14, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — elmbrookfamilydental @ 12:26 pm

Brookfield, WI, dentistYou’ve probably been brushing your teeth all by yourself since—well, since you no longer needed a stepstool to reach the faucet, that’s for sure! So, think you’re doing a good job? That may be so, but a review of the basics can never hurt and, in fact, you may just find that you can improve your technique and brush even better. Read on to find out what your Brookfield, WI, dentist at Elmbrook Family Dental has to say about improving your daily oral hygiene routine.
